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Iowa Citizens' Aide/Ombudsman: Annual Report, 1991

NCJ Number
Date Published
29 pages
The Iowa Citizens' Aide/Ombudsman presented their 1991 annual report to the Governor, pursuant to the Iowa Code.
During 1991, the office of Citizens' Aide/Ombudsman received 4,689 individual requests for information and complaints submitted by citizens in each of Iowa's 99 counties, as well as 34 other States, the District of Columbia, and 5 foreign countries. Most contacts were made by telephone, although individuals may contact the office in person or by mail and fax. During the reporting period, 17 percent of the 1,509 jurisdictional complaints were found to be at least partially justified; 39 percent were found without merit; and 44 percent were either referred, withdrawn, or unprocessed for lack of information. Ninety-six percent of the contacts received during 1991 were completed and closed during the year; the rest remained under investigation into 1992. Statistics showed that 93 percent of the cases were closed within 60 days. The most frequent target of complaints included the Department of Corrections and Board of Parole, the Department of Human Services, the Department of Transportation, the Department of Employment Services, and municipal and local governments. A sample of contacts received during 1991 is summarized.