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Investigation of Sexual Misadventure Deaths (From Critical Issues in Criminal Investigation, P 63-73, 1984, Michael Palmiotto, ed. - See NCJ-99323)

NCJ Number
L L Shook
Date Published
11 pages
In order to elucidate problems in the investigation of sexual misadventure deaths, this 1982 study queried each coroner and medical examiner in Illinois' 102 counties by means of a questionnaire.
Of these, 72 (a return rate of 70.6 percent) were received by the cutoff date. Results revealed that in 1982, only six coroners reported investigating sexual misadventure deaths, and each had only one case. All six victims were white males and had died of neck compression by hanging. Victims ranged in age from under 15 to over 51. Three of the victims showed evidence of masturbation, two had paraphernalia associated with sexual stimulation nearby, and four showed evidence of bondage. These results, together with cases from the literature, suggest that the most common cause of death in cases involving autoeroticism is related to self-induced hypoxia, usually with ropes, during masturbation. The hypoxia results in a sense of euphoria and may result in unconsciousness if the flow of oxygen is not reestablished. In investigating such cases, officers should be alert for a previous history of autoeroticism and the presence of evidence of previous similar activity. A similar practice (not involving autoeroticism) known as head rushing and consisting of strangulation to induce euphoria, has been reported among adolescents and has been known to result in death. Nine notes and 11 references are included.