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Investigation of Cognitive Style and Alcohol/Work- Related Problems Among Naval Personnel

NCJ Number
Journal of Drug Education Volume: 22 Issue: 3 Dated: (1992) Pages: 241-251
R M Jones; C N Ross; B R Hartmann
Date Published
11 pages
The relationship between cognitive style (i.e., information, normative, and diffuse orientation, and commitment) and alcohol/work-related problems was examined in a random sample of 2,000 naval personnel with less than 2 years of service.
For the 899 respondents who returned their questionnaires, correlations between cognitive style and alcohol/work-related problems were theoretically compatible. Diffuse orientation scores were related positively to both alcohol-related and work-related problems. Norm and information orientation scores were related negatively to both measures. Collectively, cognitive style measures explain 11.4 percent of the variability in alcohol-related problems and 14.0 percent in work-related problems. The findings provide support for preventive strategies that incorporate problem-solving, decision-making, and coping strategies partricularly among those who use diffuse problem-solving/coping strategies (lack of exploration and commitment or avoidance of problems). 1 table and 30 references


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