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Investigating Elder Abuse

NCJ Number
Gazette Volume: 59 Issue: 3 Dated: 1997 Pages: 16-20
K Bettinger
Date Published
5 pages
This article examines the phenomenon of elder abuse and possible intervention strategies.
Elder abuse is a form of domestic violence and comes in different forms: physical, psychological, financial, and neglect. Physical indications of elder abuse include fractures, bruises or burns, difficulty with walking or sitting and lacerations or punctures. Psychological abuse can take the form of verbal harassment, intimidation, threats of punishment (warnings, belittling, isolation from friends, family or activities), and treating a senior individual like a child. Financial abuse encompasses stealing money or possessions, embezzlements from savings or stocks, misuse of resources and denying the older person a home. Active or passive neglect may involve abandonment, failure to provide food, shelter, clothing or basic hygiene, ignorance of the older person's situation or mental problems of the caregiver. Investigators should maintain a professional demeanor, but be concerned and sympathetic; should survey the surroundings and interview the victim; note the caregivers' actions and reactions to the investigation; and, at some time, review the literature on elder abuse and become familiar with State regulations and pending legislation.

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