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Invest in Security's Future

NCJ Number
Security Management Volume: 35 Issue: 6 Dated: (June 1991) Pages: 49-52
P Ohlhausen
Date Published
4 pages
The American Society for Industrial Security (ASIS) Foundation and Webster University in St. Louis will jointly offer graduate education in security beginning in the fall of 1991. Candidates can receive either an MBA with an emphasis in security management or an MA in security management.
The program is founded on the belief that security management deserves recognition as a free-standing management science and thus requires specialized academic training. The MBA curriculum consists of seven business courses, eight security courses, and one elective. A background in accounting, financing, or economics is also required. The MA requires the same eight security courses and four electives. The courses will be intensive and each class will include 20 to 30 students. Webster University offers 11 graduate study centers in the U.S. and four in Europe, affording convenience to security professionals worldwide. The University will offer the program at any extended campus when a minimum of 20 students are committed. Security professionals recommend the courses to anyone who wants to continue advancing in the security industry.


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