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Inventory of Public Legal Education and Information Materials and Programs Related to Crime Prevention and Victims

NCJ Number
R M Gill; G A Alderson
Date Published
65 pages
This paper provides an inventory of public legal education and information (PLEI) about crime prevention and victims currently available in Canada.
Information on PLEI materials, programs, and projects was collected from approximately 80 provincial and territorial PLEI organizations and government departments, and nongovernmental organizations active in criminal justice. PLEI items were included in this inventory if they had as a central purpose to inform or educate the public about the law or the justice system, and they provided information that would help people better protect themselves from victimization or defend their interests as victims under the law. The inventory items are classified as they pertain to deterrence, avoidance, education, general crime prevention, and PLEI for victims. Each entry includes bibliographic information, a short description, and identification of the primary target audience. The final chapter analyzes the entries in the inventory to identify the producers of PLEI materials, the purpose of PLEI activities, and gaps in currently available PLEI on crime prevention and victims. 1 appendix