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Introduction to Illinois Uniform Crime Reports

NCJ Number
L S Miller; C R Block
Date Published
15 pages
This report describes the content, availability, uses, and interpretation of the Illinois Uniform Crime Reports (I-UCR).
The UCR are the major source of police-level crime statistics in Illinois and the United States. Each month, more than 700 Illinois law enforcement jurisdictions submit UCR statistics to the Illinois Department of Law Enforcement (DLE). The DLE annually publishes a report containing much I-UCR data. The report includes statewide offense and arrest analyses for eight serious crimes (Index crimes); information about property stolen, recovered, or destroyed by type, value, and place; and statewide offense and arrest totals for all reported offenses. The DLE maintains a computerized I-UCR data base that contains more information than in published in the annual report. In addition to the 8 Index crimes, DLE collects offense and arrest data on approximately 200 other crime categories. The I-UCR data can be used to analyze crime-level changes and determine crime rates, arrest rates, and clearance rates. Appendixes list contacts for obtaining I-UCR data and present the I-UCR offense codes.