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Introduction (From Family Violence: Perspective on Treatment, Research, and Policy, 1990, P 1-4, Ronald Roesch, Donald G. Dutton, et al, eds. -- See NCJ-130806)

NCJ Number
R Roesch; D G Dutton; V F Sacco
Date Published
182 pages
The papers included in this edited volume are based on a conference organized to bring together practitioners, researchers, and students to address issues related to three major areas of family violence: sexual abuse of children and adolescents; spousal abuse; and elder abuse.
In her keynote address, Rosemary Brown suggests that the solution to the problem of violence against women lies in changes at the individual, social, and political levels. The section devoted to sexual abuse and neglect reviews the literature devoted to the prevalence of sexual abuse of female children and adolescents and the impact of abuse on these victims and describes a community program for the prevention and treatment of child abuse and neglect. The papers focusing on spousal assault report on the impact of a day-long workshop for secondary school students on family violence, review research on the incidence of wife assault and the responses of legal and other professionals, and describe a treatment program for abusive men. The papers addressing elder abuse consider treatment, reporting, and policy issues; examine borderline situations of elder abuse and neglect; and discuss training professionals to deal with the problem. The concluding paper summarizes specific points raised by conference speakers.


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