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Introduction to Emergency Management: Student Manual

NCJ Number
Date Published
267 pages
This 3-day course provides an overview of emergency management concepts and functions, emphasizing the importance of harmonious teamwork among those involved in the emergency management process.
Unit I addresses the need for emergency management by analyzing hazards, risks, and the nature of emergencies and disasters through a series of instructor presentations, a videotape, a narrated slide program, class discussions, and individual and small-group activities. Unit II focuses on the emergency management process, as it presents functions, actions, and participants involved in all-hazards emergency management. Roles of the three levels of government and the private sector are examined. Instructor presentations, class discussion, and specific activities are combined in the learning process. Unit III analyzes the team approach to emergency management. Videotapes, discussions, case studies, and activities comprise most of this unit, which identifies members of the emergency management team and discusses the importance of teambuilding and coordination, the nature of interactions within the system, and the importance of sensitive management of conflicts. Unit IV closes the course with an application of the teambuilding approach to the emergency management process discussed in the course; the application uses a group activity and presentation that demonstrate the need for emergency management.