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Introduction to Criminal Law in Context, Second Edition

NCJ Number
R P Saunders, C N Mitchell
Date Published
611 pages
This casebook-styled text presents an interdisciplinary approach to the study of criminal law, combining authors' commentary with excerpts from cases, government reports, and secondary material such as articles and newspaper reports.
While discussing and critically examining the traditional approach to criminal law found in the criminal code and common law doctrine, this text explores the historical, theoretical, sociological, and political contexts of the criminal law and its administration. The first two chapters discuss criminal law and government regulation in perspective and address perspectives on criminal law. This is followed by a discussion of the production of criminal law which encompasses legislation and the role of parliament as well as the role of the courts. Papers on criminal law personnel, participants, and powers encompass the police, the defense/prosecutor, judges, victims, the accused, and criminal penalizers. Other chapters address sentencing and parole, punishment, criminal law liability, defenses and denials, and current issues in criminal justice. The latter encompass sexual assault, racism and the criminal justice system, crime in the workplace, young offenders, and "vice" offenses. Discussion questions and suggestions for further reading accompany each major section.