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Introduction to Criminal Justice, Second Edition

NCJ Number
L F Travis III
Date Published
476 pages
Keyed to the reading level of the typical college freshman, this textbook provides students with an introduction to the field of criminal justice.
The basic format of this second edition is the same as the first edition. Four chapters set the context for studying criminal justice, 10 chapters analyze the justice process, and the final chapter assesses the future of the criminal justice system. The chapters that set the context for studying criminal justice focus on criminal justice perspectives, the justice process, crime and crime control, and counting crimes and criminals. The 10 chapters that analyze the justice process address police and policing, law enforcement in the criminal justice system, the criminal courts, court personnel, sentencing, incarceration, community corrections (probation and parole), supervision in the community, and the juvenile justice system. This edition contains additional teaching aids and adds the use of two themes throughout the text: the notion of criminal justice as an open system in American society and the conflict between due process and crime-control values. Chapter references, a glossary, subject and author indexes, and a case index

Sale Source
Anderson Publishing Co

2035 Reading Road, Cincinnati, OH 45202, United States

Publication Type
Overview Text
United States of America