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Intravenous Drug Abuse in Young Men: Risk Factors Assessed in a Longitudinal Perspective

NCJ Number
Scandinavian Journal of Social Medicine Volume: 20 Issue: 2 Dated: (1992) Pages: 94-101
M Stenbacka; P Allebeck; L Brandt; A Romelsjo
Date Published
8 pages
A longitudinal study of a cohort of 8,168 young men conscripted for military service in Sweden in 1969-1970 was conducted to assess the role of social class and problematic family background, indicators of nervous and emotional problems, and psychiatric diagnosis as risk factors for intravenous drug abuse as well as to consider the importance of social network and social interaction in intravenous drug abusers.
Contact with police or juvenile authorities, high alcohol consumption, psychiatric diagnosis at conscription, and low social class were particularly strong predictors of intravenous drug abuse. Controlling for family background factors, previous abuse of cannabis was associated with an increased risk for intravenous drug abuse, but abuse of other drugs carried the highest risk for intravenous drug abuse. A psychiatric diagnosis at conscription and low emotional control were associated with an increased risk of intravenous drug abuse. 6 tables and 28 references


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