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Intrafamilial Conflict Among Felons Under Community Supervision: An Examination of the Co-Habitants of Electronically Monitored Offenders

NCJ Number
Journal of Offender Rehabilitation Volume: 16 Issue: 3/4 Dated: (1991) Pages: 177-192
J F Quinn; J E Holman
Date Published
16 pages
The conflict subscale of the Family Environment Scale, a client demographic information form, and the Beck Depression Inventory were used on a sample of 18 co-habitants of adult probationer and parole felony offenders sanctioned with electronically monitored home confinement (EMHC) to study the degree of intrafamilial conflict experienced.
The independent variables used in the study included age, gender, race, education, past substance abuse, offense, EMHC, dysphoria, employment, present substance abuse, total number of co-habitants, adult co-habitants, and children co-habitants. The only variables that affected the level of intrafamilial conflict were those related to the composition of the household; there was a greater likelihood of conflict within larger households. However, the study was limited by the small number of subjects and heterogeneity of the group. Nevertheless, the authors suggest that correctional supervisors need to be aware of these results during EMHC screening and placement. 2 tables and 32 references (Author abstract modified)


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