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Intervention With Incestuous Families - A Training Curriculum

NCJ Number
A L Dorwaldt
Date Published
108 pages
This manual contains the guidelines, materials, and references for training helping professionals in dealing with incestuous families.

The seven sessions of the course may be used individually as 2-hour and 3-hour sessions or as a total inservice or community-based curriculum of 2 days. The program's content resulted from a needs assessment survey done in 1981 by the Vermont Department of Social Services' Child Sexual Abuse Training Project. The topics covered in the seven sessions are clarifying one's own values about incest, the dynamics of the incestuous family, the initial interview with the victim, the development of an intervention plan, the team approach to intervention with the incestuous families, and networking. For each session, an outline covers the learning objectives, the time, space, equipment, handouts, content summary, bibliography, and a list of resource materials. An exercise for bridging the gap between classroom learning and the job situation is provided, and appendixes contain a discussion of intervention approaches and lists of books, articles, films, and film distributors.