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Interrelations between Temperament, Character, and Parental Rearing in Male Delinquent Adolescents in Northern Russia

NCJ Number
Comprehensive Psychiatry Volume: 39 Issue: 4 Dated: July/August 1998 Pages: 225-230
Vladislav V. Ruchkin; Martin Eisemann; Bruno Hagglof; C. Robert Cloninger
Date Published
6 pages
A comparison of 192 male delinquent adolescents and 121 controls from Northern Russia using the Temperament and Character Inventory and the Own Memories of Parental Rearing Questionnaire.
The study used two ethnically homogeneous samples of male adolescents from the Arkhangelsk region of Northern Russia who were matched by age, sex, and socioeconomic status. Statistical analysis of data showed the delinquent group had a higher level of novelty seeking, harm avoidance, and self-transcendence, and also scored lower on self-directedness. Delinquents who committed nonviolent crimes (thefts) appeared to have a higher level of harm avoidance compared with those who committed violent crimes (hooliganism, robbery, rape, and murder). With regard to perceived parental rearing practices, delinquents experienced more parental rejection and overprotection than controls. Most personality dimensions were highly correlated with the level of parental emotional warmth. Further, both temperament traits and maternal rearing practices predicted the development of character dimensions. Findings are discussed in light of the interactive nature of parent-child relationships and character development. 23 references and 5 tables