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Interpreting Lineage Markers in View of Subpopulation Effects

NCJ Number
Forensic Science International: Genetics Volume: 6 Issue: 3 Dated: May 2012 Pages: 393-397
Sarah Cockerton; Kurt McManus; John Buckleton
Date Published
May 2012
5 pages

This paper discusses if and how subpopulation effects could be considered in the interpretation of lineage markers.


The interpretation of lineage markers is usually carried out as a count in a database. The count is a factual statement and does not take into account subpopulation effects that may be acting on the data. Subpopulation effects are usually taken into consideration for autosomal DNA genotype interpretation by the incorporation of a correction, 0. The question has arisen as to whether lineage markers should also have such a correction. This paper discusses if and how subpopulation effects could be considered. (Published Abstract)