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Interpreting Environmental Policy: A Social Scientific Approach

NCJ Number
Journal of Law and Society Volume: 18 Issue: 1 Dated: special issue (Spring 1991) Pages: 4-17
K Milton
Date Published
14 pages
The grid/group model developed by social scientists is applied to analyze environmental policies in the United Kingdom.
The model represents a way of classifying cultural perspectives and is based on the premise that different ways of seeing the world are linked to different forms of social organization. Social relationships (group dimension) are represented by a continuum that runs from strong individualism to strong collectivism. Social interaction (grid dimension) is represented by a continuum that ranges from restriction to independence. The combination of these two dimensions produces four different forms of social organization: (1) entrepreneur, the result of high levels of individualism and independence; (2) egalitarian, produced by a high degree of independence and strong group membership; (3) hierarchist, produced by high levels of collectivism; and (4) fatalist, produced by high levels of individualism. The model is applied to three areas of environmental concern in the United Kingdom (global warming, wildlife and countryside conservation, and pollution). It is concluded that the Thatcher government's broad environmental strategy was to create social conditions that encouraged an entrepreneurial perspective. The government's line of reasoning was that environmental protection is the responsibility of each individual. In terms of the grid/group model, this strategy is theoretically impossible. People are being expected to act like egalitarians in a social system which is designed to produce only entrepreneurs and fatalists. The grid/group model highlights trends which have important practical implications for environmental protection in the United Kingdom. The preferred course of action is to ensure that the environment is protected through market forces. 39 notes and references and 2 figures


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