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Interpretation of Low Level DNA Mixtures

NCJ Number
Forensic Science International: Genetics Volume: 6 Issue: 2 Dated: March 2012 Pages: 191-197
Hannah Kelly; Jo-Anne Bright; John Buckleton; James Curran
Date Published
March 2012
7 pages

This paper compares three different models for interpreting mixed DNA profiles prior to the calculation of a statistical weight.


The occurrence of mixed DNA profiles in forensic samples is not uncommon. Interpretation of these profiles, however, can be challenging. This paper compares three different models for interpreting mixed DNA profiles prior to the calculation of a statistical weight. Two of these models take into account the peak height of the alleles. The third method uses an unconstrained combinatorial approach. The authors compare the statistical weights calculated after applying the three different models to one low level two-person mixed DNA profile derived from a crime sample and provide tables of equations that can be applied to many different scenarios including single source and two and three person mixed DNA profiles. (Published Abstract)