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Internet Database Puts Arlington Police Statistics at Public's Fingertips

NCJ Number
Police Chief Volume: 69 Issue: 6 Dated: June 2002 Pages: 56-58
Theron L. Bowman
Date Published
June 2002
3 pages
This article profiles the Arlington Police Department's (Texas) Internet database that enables the public to access more than 100,000 current records, including arrests, traffic accidents, and other routine police calls.
Through a link on the department's Internet website (www.arlingtonpd.org), the records can be accessed. Users may search by selecting the name of a school, apartment complex, business, or city park. Unlike other police websites that typically contain static information, Arlington's database is updated every night and captures data for the most recent 13-month period. Users hail from 39 countries. The website averages 40,000 "hits" and 3,500 visitor sessions each week. Visitors spend an average of 8 minutes on the site, and some stay more than 20 minutes per session. Making such information available to the public is intended to further the department's mission of using a team approach to solve community problems, as residents become aware of what is happening in their neighborhoods, schools, parks, and stores. Cost to the department is minimal, less than $200 per month. Feedback from residents and businesses indicates that both groups agree that the Internet listing is a motivating factor for businesses to take more responsibility. The database holds potential for the department as well. Future enhancements may give users the option of registering on the site. By registering, users could receive e-mail notices from the department about community meetings, timely crime prevention tips, or even "be-on-the-lookout" notices.