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International Summaries: Urban Design and Crime

NCJ Number
M Plate; U Schwinges; R Weiss
Date Published
3 pages
After examining the relationship between urban design and crime rate in Solingen, West Germany, this study recommends community crime prevention measures.
This study analyzed the nature, circumstances, and frequency of crimes reported to the Solingen police in 1981, and unreported crimes were determined in a survey of a representative sample of 1 percent of the resident population over age 14 in 1982. A comparison of the two parts of the survey, using path analysis, indicates the relationship between crime and housing structure. Independent of type of building, the crime density correlated with population density. The closer the neighborly contacts in a building, the lower was the crime rate. Also, the more accessible areas of the city had higher crime rates. Crime prevention suggestions include a storefront police station which could provide counseling and education for crime victims and persons interested in crime prevention measures, government efforts to promote interaction among neighbors and citizen community involvement, and a neighborhood service center to help citizens address personal and neighborhood problems.