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International Statistics on Crime and Justice

NCJ Number
Stefan Harrendorf, Markku Heiskanen, Steven Malby
Date Published
178 pages
This document provides member states' international crime data collected by the United Nations Surveys on Crime Trends and Operations Criminal Justice Systems (UN-CTS).
This report consists of eight chapters designed to deal with all central issues addressed in the UN-CTS questionnaire. First, police-recorded crime is discussed with separate chapters on homicides, other police-recorded crimes, and drug-related crime and drug trafficking (chapters 1-3). Chapter 4 analyzes complex crimes separately, such as organized crime, and human trafficking; these crimes have played a marginal role in traditional crime statistics, and in order to improve the relevance of the data on such offenses, new solutions need to be developed. Chapter 5 presents data on responses of the criminal justice system, including an innovation where attrition issues are discussed. Parallel issues to responses of the criminal justice system are resources and performance; these are discussed in chapter 6, which includes a discussion on punitivity of criminal justice systems. Chapter 7 provides a presentation on prison populations of the world. Chapter 8 discusses challenges with crime and criminal justice statistics, arguing for the importance of further improvements in the area. Tables, figures, and references

Corporate Author
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

P.O. Box 500, Vienna, A-1400 Austria, Austria

United Nations European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control (HEUNI)

PO Box 444, Helsinki 00531 Finland, Finland

Sale Source
United Nations European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control (HEUNI)

PO Box 444, Helsinki 00531 Finland, Finland

Publication Format
Book (Softbound)
Publication Type
Report (Study/Research)
HEUNI Publication Series No. 64