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International Seminar "Urban Crime: Statistical Approaches and Analyses" Conclusions: Towards the Statistical Knowledge of Urban Crime (From Urban Crime: Statistical Approaches and Analyses, Papers and Conclusions, P 85-89, 1991)

NCJ Number
O Nel-lo
Date Published
5 pages
An international seminar held in Barcelona, Spain in October 1990 discussed research on urban crime in Europe, methods for international cooperation in research, and the development of an information system.
The 50 participants included local government officials and international experts. Participants agreed that more knowledge is needed, that opinions vary regarding the definition of urban crime, and that compatible information sources and analytic techniques are needed. In addition, data obtained in different countries must be compatible, and research should be relevant to policymaking. Recommended measures include government support for research, an emphasis on local data, respect for privacy in the collection and use of data, efforts to make data compatible, increased information exchange, and coordinated policies.


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