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International Perspectives on Organized Crime

NCJ Number
J R Buckwalter
Date Published
123 pages
The contributions to this volume, a full text of the presentations made at the fourth annual conference of the Office of International Criminal Justice at the University of Illinois at Chicago, address the international dimensions of the problem posed by organized crime.
Topics discussed in these presentations include organized crime and its control in Chicago, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the U.S.S.R; the role of Interpol and the United Nations in combating organized crime; police policy in dealing with organized crime; the role of the courts in dealing with international crime; civil remedies against organized crime; municipal corruption and organized crime; and African-American organized crime in both a historical and contemporary context. Criminal organizations are developing the organizational sophistication, the economies of scale, the monopolistic advance of market share, and the improvement of resources to ensure future growth in both other criminal areas and legitimate businesses. Any means possible is used to eliminate competition. Their long-term objective is to expand market control and facilitate business activities by corrupting institutions, public officials, and private citizens. 59 references