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International Narcotics Control Strategy Report: Mid- Year Update, August 1989

NCJ Number
Date Published
119 pages
This report discusses United States efforts in international drug control and drug law enforcement during the first 6 months of 1989, as well as the situation and efforts related to specific drugs and countries.
The first 6 months of the year have been promising. Several countries publicly demonstrated their commitment to controlling drug production and trafficking, and the 1989 Economic Summit in Paris reaffirmed the commitment of the seven largest industrial countries to control money laundering. The United Nations Convention Against the Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances has been signed by 67 countries and was forwarded to the United States Senate for formal approval. However, 1989 has not been a particularly successful year with respect to the land areas of coca, opium, and marijuana eradicated. Although the recent high school senior survey indicated a continued decline of cocaine use among youth, the level of cocaine availability is unacceptable. Several activities are needed to improve international drug law enforcement efforts directed against cocaine, heroin, and marijuana. Descriptions of the situation and efforts in individual countries

Corporate Author
US Dept of State

Washington, DC 20520, United States

Sale Source
US Dept of State

Washington, DC 20520, United States

Publication Type
Legislation/Policy Analysis
United States of America
DCC; U.S. Department of Justice Bureau of Justice Statistics International Crime Statistics Program