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International Narcotics Control Board Report 2001

NCJ Number
Date Published
February 2002
100 pages
This document is the 2001 report of the International Narcotics Control Board discussing the challenges to and status of international drug control efforts.
This is a report by the United Nations’ International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) discussing the challenges for international drug enforcement efforts based upon increasing globalization and technological advances based upon data collected during 2001. The report is divided into three chapters. The first deals with the INCB’s specific concerns regarding globalization and technology on drug crime enforcement. These concerns include: the role of new technology in increasing the efficiency of drug product delivery and distribution through improved telecommunications, the ability of drug traffickers to use new technologies to conceal their crimes, and the ways in which new technologies can be employed to facilitate money laundering. The report next deals with the current state of operations of the international drug control system. Control measures, scope of the control, specific concerns regarding marijuana, and the state of the implementation of the United Nations’ 1961 Convention are discussed. Finally the report provides an overview by region of the current state of drug control. Regions are grouped by continent with specific discussion of Central America and the Caribbean, North America, South America, East and South-East Asia, South Asia and West Asia. Explanatory notes, 5 notes, 2 appendices