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International Criminal Justice Systems II

NCJ Number
Date Published
171 pages
Five-week instructional modules cover the criminal justice systems of Denmark, Egypt, India, Israel, Ireland, Malaysia, the Netherlands, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, and Korea.
The format for each module consists of course title, course description, course rationale, course objectives, course outline, and readings. The Denmark module focuses on the cultural and structural setting within which criminal justice research and policymaking has occurred; and the Egypt module emphasizes the influences of historical, religious, social, political, and cultural factors on the structure and operation of the criminal justice system. The India module considers the historical development and current form of India's criminal justice system, and the Israel module considers all phases of the criminal justice system, including the juvenile justice system. The Ireland module (including Northern Ireland) examines the criminal justice systems and crime patterns. The modules on Malaysia, the Netherlands, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, and Korea discuss those countries' criminal justice systems in the context of their distinctive histories and cultures.