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International Crime Prevention and Control Committee

NCJ Number
CJ International Volume: 6 Issue: 2 Dated: (March-April, 1990) Pages: 1,24-29
R H Ward
Date Published
7 pages
This article reviews the proceedings of the International Crime Prevention and Control Committee in its Vienna meeting on February 5-16, 1990.
Treaties on extradition, transfer of supervision of foreign offenders, and mutual assistance and transfer of proceedings in criminal matters were among 10 new draft instruments reviewed by the committee. Other legal texts considered by the committee included principles on the role of lawyers and prosecutors and on the use of firearms by law enforcement officials as well as guidelines for the detention of juveniles and noncustodial measures. The committee also considered draft resolutions developed by the five interregional preparatory meetings held in Vienna during 1988 and by the five regional preparatory meetings held at Bangkok, Helsinki, San Jose, Cairo, and Addis Ababa during 1989. The texts recommended by those meetings for action by the Congress concerned organized crime, terrorism, sentencing policies, environmental protection, prisoner treatment, crime prevention, criminal justice in the context of development, and protection of victims' rights. In reviewing implementation of the conclusions and recommendations of the 1985 Crime Congress, the committee focused on a report of the secretary-general that outlined progress achieved in improving the situation of victims of crime and abuse of power. It also reviewed a report on efforts to strengthen the functional capacity of the United Nations network of government-appointed national correspondents in the field of crime prevention and control.

Publication Format
Publication Type
Legislative Hearing/Committee Report
United States of America