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International Association of Workers for Troubled Children and Youth (AIEJI): Creating a Profession to Work With Troubled Children and Youth

NCJ Number
Child and Youth Care Quarterly Volume: 19 Issue: 3 Dated: (Fall 1990) Pages: 199-207
A E Ness; M L Mitchell
Date Published
9 pages
The International Association of Workers for Troubled Children and Youth (AIEJI) bases its work on the French concept of the "educateur," a professional who specializes in the total life education of troubled children and adolescents.
Created in 1951 as an outgrowth of an effort to help troubled French and German youth in the aftermath of World War II, the association is comprised of over 20 national chapters. Regional meetings and world congresses, held every four years in different member nations, have addressed many topics related to the role of educateurs and the care of maladjusted children. The American branch of AIEJI was formed in 1970 to expand the role and professionalism of child care workers. The association strives to reach its goal of developing and training professional educateurs by encouraging the formation of new national chapters, organizing conferences and seminars, serving as a clearinghouse for visits to educational and treatment programs, publishing professional materials, and cooperating with United Nations and other international efforts related to the protection of children and youth. 1 figure and 8 references (Author abstract modified)