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Intergenerational Conflict of Values and Norms: A Theoretical Model

NCJ Number
Adolescence Volume: 23 Issue: 92 Dated: (Winter 1988) Pages: 975-989
S H Traub; R A Dodder
Date Published
15 pages
This study evaluates the literature on the question of a 'generation gap'.
A theoretical model is proposed that examines the nature of intergenerational continuity and discontinuity in terms of value-norm acceptance, differential interaction patterns, and behavioral dissimilarity between the generations. Data from 415 college students and 557 of their guardians were examined. The findings indicate that: (1) youth and adults do not accept the same values; (2) norms, normative 'dissensus' exists between youth and adults and between individuals within each group; and (3) marijuana use is linked with differential interaction patterns and normative dissensus. The findings thus support the notion of a 'great gap' between youth and adults. (Author abstract)