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Interdisciplinary Response to Youths Sexting: Recommendations From the Youth Online Safety Working Group (YOSWG)

NCJ Number
Date Published
5 pages
This study examines response to sexting by youths.
The overwhelming concern for youths involved in sexting incidents led to the formation of Youth Online Safety Working Group (YOSWG). The working group focused on providing recommendations for the handling and prevention of sexting incidents. The complexities of handling such cases affect all who play a role in the safety and well-being of children. For both the education and legal communities, a team approach was determined to be appropriate for handling sexting. Data were collected from a Virginia high school where students were invited to share their thoughts about sexting in a roundtable discussion. Although these students were not representative of all teens, anecdotal evidence indicates that their views are shared by teens from across the country. These views included: a familiarity with the concept of sexting, if not the terminology; an understanding of the possible social consequences of sexting; an understanding of the permanency of online images; and a belief that sexting is not a crime between consenting minors. Recommendations are included.

Corporate Author
Youth Online Safety Working Group (YOSWG)

United States

Sale Source
National Ctr for Missing and Exploited Children

Charles B. Wang International Children's Building, 699 Prince Street, Alexandria, VA 22314-3175, United States

Publication Format
Document (Online)
Publication Type
Report (Study/Research)
United States of America