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Inter-Domain Among Personality and Cognition Variables in People Who Commit Murder

NCJ Number
Journal of Personality Assessment Volume: 47 Issue: 5 Dated: (1983) Pages: 524-530
W Holcomb; N Adams
Date Published
7 pages
The inter-domain among personality (MMPI) and cognition (intelligence) variables in a sample of 137 males charged with first degree or capital murder was examined through canonical analysis.
Race was included as a control variable. Two significant canonical correlations were found which contribute to an understanding of the relationship between personality and cognition in violent people. These variates were identified as Problemsolving Focus and Introspective Self-focus. Results also suggest that these inter-domain variates explain the relationship between personality and cognition variables to a greater degree for black murderers than for white murderers. Tabular data and 19 references are provided. (Author abstract modified)


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