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Intensive Supervision Probation: Fad or For Keeps? (From Correctional Theory and Practice, P 43-60, 1992, Clayton A Hartjen and Edward E Rhine, eds. -- See NCJ-135949)

NCJ Number
O E Polk; R V del Carmen
Date Published
18 pages
This analysis of intensive supervision probation (ISP) and preliminary research regarding its outcomes concludes that ISP can be used effectively as an alternative sanction for prison-bound offenders, without jeopardizing public safety, rather than as a supplemental sentencing option for all offenders.
Two factors most influential in the rapid and widespread acceptance of ISP are its low costs and the possibility of reducing prison populations. However, ISP is also an alternative, intermediate sanction that theoretically provides a sentencing option for offenders who deserve regular probation supervision, but need a highly structured environment. Care is needed to avoid using ISP in this way and thereby widening the net of social control; if this happens, ISP may lose the acceptance it has gained. Data from the ISP programs in Georgia and New Jersey show that ISP increases control of offenders while reducing costs and prison populations. ISP also has the potential for promoting rehabilitation, although some ISP officers report that they do not have time to adopt a rehabilitative approach, even with their caseloads of 10 to 25 offenders. Initial findings regarding recidivism are encouraging, but much evaluation research is still needed before conclusive claims regarding lowered recidivism are possible. In addition, more thorough cost-benefit analyses are needed. 22 references

Sale Source
Nelson-Hall Publishers

Steven Long, 111 North Canal Street, Chicago, IL 60606, United States

Publication Type
Legislation/Policy Analysis
United States of America
*This document is currently unavailable from NCJRS.