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Intensive Parole: The More You Watch, the More You Catch

NCJ Number
Journal of Offender Rehabilitation Volume: 17 Issue: 3/4 Dated: (1992) Pages: 65-76
D E Jernigan; R F Kronick
Date Published
12 pages
A group of 50 participants in Tennessee's Intensive Parole Supervision (IPS) program -- 26 newly paroled offenders and 24 former regular parolees administratively reassigned into IPS -- was compared with a group of 45 regular parolees to determine the probability of success that IPS might have as an alternative to incarceration.
The groups were assessed in terms of treatment differences, frequency of parole supervision, attendance at Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, drug screening, residential counseling, community counseling, and use of electronic surveillance. The only variable not found to be statistically significant was community counseling; in all other categories, the IPS offenders had more activity than regular parolees. The two groups were also compared on several dependent variables including recidivism, employment, days in jail, parole violations, types of parole violations, and new offenses. Here, the only variable that showed statistical significance was type of parole violation. Although both groups had approximately the same number of violations, the regular parolees received more warrants for absconding or new criminal charges, while the IPS group had more technical violations. Within the IPS group, those who had more contacts had fewer jail days, but more parole violations. Attendance at Alcoholic Anonymous meetings had a positive relationship with free days and a negative relationship with parole warrants. 2 tables and 8 references