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Integrating Substance Abuse Treatment and Vocational Services

NCJ Number
Nancy K. Young M.S.W
Date Published
247 pages
This Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) introduces vocational issues and concepts and describes how they can be incorporated into substance abuse treatment.
The TIP includes: (1) an overview of the need for vocational services and discussion of how employment and substance abuse treatment are interconnected; (2) discussion of the elements of vocational programming such as screening and assessment tools, vocational counseling, prevocational services, training and education, and employment services; (3) clinical issues related to integrating vocational services into substance abuse treatment; (4) information about integrating onsite vocational services into substance abuse treatment programs; (5) suggestions on setting up a referral system among agencies; (6) funding strategies; (7) an overview of legal and ethical issues for alcohol and drug counselors who are providing vocational services directly or through referral (discrimination, welfare reform, and confidentiality); and (8) the impact of increased law enforcement activity on clients with substance abuse disorders. Figures, case studies, notes, bibliography, appendixes