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Instructor's Manual for Alcohol Screening and Brief Intervention

NCJ Number
Bonnie McRee B.A.; Thomas F. Babor Ph.D.; Olga Maranjian Church Ph.D.
Date Published
61 pages
This training module is part of a curriculum implementation project that was developed to teach alcohol screening and brief intervention techniques to nursing students and other health professionals; it contains an Instructor's Manual and a 30-minute video, patient education materials, screening forms, and a comprehensive reading list.

The main goals for this module are to introduce new techniques for screening, identification, and intervention as applied to persons at risk of alcohol-use disorders; to demonstrate the use of AUDIT (the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test); and to illustrate professional interviewing and counseling techniques. The training module is divided into four learning sessions, each lasting approximately 1 hour. Session I features an overview of screening and brief intervention; session II focuses on alcohol screening; session III addresses brief intervention; and session IV consists of case presentations in the identification of alcohol abusers. Teaching methods involve lecture, viewing a video, group discussions, role playing exercises, learner activity assignments, and independent reading. The instructor's manual provides material for the instructor's guidance. The video -- entitled, "Alcohol Screening and Brief Intervention" -- portrays the simulated administration of AUDIT by health care professionals, as well as a brief intervention technique for persons identified as heavy drinkers. In the video, AUDIT is administered as part of the development of a patient's history and as a component of the diagnosis for persons presenting with symptoms of alcohol abuse. AUDIT is suitable for administration by most health care professionals for the purpose of determining the quantity and frequency of a patient's alcoholic beverage consumption, any symptoms of abusive drinking, and any health or behavioral problems that might be associated with heavy drinking. The video dramatizes the administration of AUDIT and the introduction of brief intervention for heavy drinkers.


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