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Institutional Recycling: Rikers Island Jail Complex Leads the Way

NCJ Number
American Jails Volume: 5 Issue: 2 Dated: (May/June 1991) Pages: 20-22,24-25
G L Crawford
Date Published
5 pages
Innovative recycling programs have been established by the New York City Correction Department, primarily at its facilities located on Rikers Island.
These facilities conduct recycling programs for packaging containers and for other scrap materials. The process began in the kitchens where inmate staff were trained to recycle the containers. Subsequently, the Correction Department expanded its program to include the heavier steel and large wood frames. The New York City Correction Department was the first city agency to participate in the city's recycling program. This cooperative effort results in the recycling of an estimated one-and-one-half tons of steel cans and glass containers each week from the Rikers Island facilities alone. The Steel Can Recycling Institute provides information and instruction to institutions and also assists with the location of markets. Rikers Island serves as a landmark example of institutional recycling and demonstrates that recycling is a readily achievable and environmentally sound activity.


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