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Inside the Criminal Process

NCJ Number
G S Katzmann
Date Published
471 pages
Using the case known as Abscam, this volume details the processing of Federal criminal cases, with emphasis on the context and institutional environment in which criminal cases arise, the roles of crucial personnel, the investigative and prosecutorial tactics used, the subtleties of the adversary process, and sentencing issues.
The Abscam case involved an undercover FBI operation that culminated in the prosecution and conviction of Senator Harrison A. Williams, Jr. of New Jersey. The Senator was charged with conspiracy and with using his position as a United States Senator to secure government contracts in ventures in which he and the other defendants had an interest. The text details the investigative techniques used, including undercover operations and the use of informants; grand jury proceedings and the decision to prosecute; arraignment; and pretrial release and pretrial motions. It also explains jury selection, opening statements, evidence, closing arguments, the verdict, sentencing, appeal, and imprisonment. Chapter questions and reference lists, excerpts of trial materials, figures, and index (Publisher summary modified)