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Inquiry into Motor Vehicle Theft, Final Report

NCJ Number
Date Published
October 2002
349 pages
This report presents findings from a committee investigating the rising problem of motor vehicle thefts in Victoria, Australia.
In response to a legislative resolution commissioning the study of motor vehicle theft in Victoria, researchers set out to measure and analyze the rising problem of motor vehicle theft. The main goals of the research were to examine the nature and the extent of motor vehicle theft in Victoria in comparison with national rates of motor vehicle theft; to gain insight into the various types of motor vehicle theft; to determine the financial costs of motor vehicle thefts, as well as the human impact; to examine links between juvenile crime and opportunistic theft; to evaluate the various preventative strategies employed to guard against motor vehicle theft; and to make recommendations to decrease the rate of motor vehicle theft in Victoria. In order to meet these goals, the researchers conducted a literature review, interviewed the public as well as experts and key stakeholders, held public hearings, and conducted site visits. This report details their findings. Separate chapters provide details about the types of motor vehicle theft, such as professional and opportunistic; the current rate of motor vehicle theft in Victoria; the outcomes of motor vehicle theft, such as costs to the owners and the insurance industry; who the offenders are in these cases; and the legal issues surrounding this type of crime. One of the chapters offers insights into the current initiatives and proposals that exist to combat this problem in Victoria. Finally, the research team offers recommendations for curbing motor vehicle theft in Victoria. Recommendations include motor vehicle and component identification systems through the manufacturers, cooperation from the auto parts industry, and the employment of engine immobilizers. Recommendations are also offered for the investigation of motor vehicle thefts and the prosecution of the offenders. Appendices, bibliography