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Inmate Status Reporting Service, Version 1.0

NCJ Number
Date Published
13 pages

This Service Specification package provides the files and documents necessary for stakeholders to gain an understanding of the Inmate Status Reporting Service and the rules applicable to its implementation; the main components of the Service Specification are the Service Description and Service Interface Description documents, artifacts and schema folders with related files, and metadata files.


The Service Description Document (SDD) provides stakeholders with all aspects of the Inmate Status Reporting Service (ISRS) that are not directly tied to the physical implementation of the service; it provides a formal description of the capabilities made available through the service. The Service Interface Description Document (SIDD) is a complementary document to the SDD and provides a description of the service’s physical implementation. The purpose of the ISRS Service Specification is to provide correctional institutions with the capability to report inmate records at predefined events within the inmate supervision life cycle. The main components of the Service Specification package include the SDD, SIDD, and the schemas and samples used to test the service.