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Inmate Population Management System: San Diego Jail Overcrowding Project Final Report

NCJ Number
Date Published
47 pages
This report presents the options approved by the Criminal Justice Council of San Diego County (California) in 1985 to provide a population management system (PMS) that will address both the immediate problem of overcrowding in the county's detention and correctional facilities and the long-range problem of managing the numbers of inmates who enter and leave the county's criminal justice system.
The PMS is an ongoing, systemwide planning process. It allows the county to monitor, evaluate, rationally allocate, and adjust the flow of offenders into and out of its detention and corrections facilities and the local criminal justice system. The PMS emphasizes data-based planning through the collection and analysis of information that monitors offender flow and the impact of policy decisions on that flow. The PMS rests on the assumptions that all criminal justice agencies have direct or indirect roles in determining the numbers of inmates, that incarceration is the most expensive of a range of alternatives, and that the county should gain control over every aspect of incarceration. Descriptions of organizational structure, implementation issues, and evaluation methodology. 98 references.