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Initial and Reclassification Procedures (From Holistic Approaches to Offender Rehabilitation, P 90-109, 1982, Leonard J Hippchen, ed. See NCJ-85681)

NCJ Number
A C Schnur
Date Published
20 pages
This discussion of initial and reclassification procedures includes consideration of the purposes and preparation of various forms used to classify and reclassify inmates.
The documents prepared by the classification officer and the information used to develop offender classification documents should be presented to each member of the classification board at least 72 hours before the scheduled board meeting. The classification officer should prepare an admission classification summary (face sheet, analytic summary, and diagnostic and treatment summary) and recommendations to the classification board. The face sheet provides essential descriptive material and management data, and the analytic summary presents all the information available at the time of the initial classification and interprets it. The diagnostic and treatment summary presents the assets and liabilities of the offender and includes ideal and realistic treatment plans. Reclassification is a continuous process involving the evaluation and reevaluation of the initial classification material and the resulting security, custody, discipline, training, and treatment programs. Reclassification is underway whenever the classification officer or others consider the appropriateness of what is being done, evaluate and reevaluate what is happening to the inmate, and decide whether other available intervention strategies are more appropriate. A progress report should include statements of treatment progress, diagnosis, treatment plans, and recommendations to the classification board for reclassification. The chronological running record should be used to record anything not already recorded in the admission classification summary, the progress report, or the classification board recommendations. Two references are provided.


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