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Information on the Dutch Police

NCJ Number
W Broer; K van derVijver
Date Published
9 pages
This paper provides an overview of the Dutch police system, including the rank structure, training, organization of the uniformed branch, and recent policy trends.
In the Netherlands, municipalities with 25,000 inhabitants or more have their own police force while rural areas are served by the State police. The numbers and organizatinal structure of these two groups are detailed, as is the authority over police functions exercised by the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Home Affairs. Research activities conducted by both government agencies are also described. Since the Dutch police use a lateral entry system, eligibility criteria and training for the lower and higher ranks are outlined. Recruits to the lower ranks -- constable, sergeant, and adjutant -- must have a secondary school diploma and undergo a 1-year training course. Applicants for inspector must have a high school diploma and complete a 4-year program at the Police Academy. Promotions are mostly automatic. Special attention is given to the organization, recent reforms, and problems of the uniformed branch of the municipal police.