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Information Campaigns Against Trafficking

NCJ Number
Trafficking in Migrants Bulletin Issue: 20 Dated: December 1999/January 2000 Pages: 1-6
Date Published
6 pages
This bulletin from the International Organization for Migration (IOM) discusses information campaigns as an essential component in the prevention of trafficking of human beings and highlights incidents, trends, and policies concerning trafficking in migrants.
Discussing a wide range of issues, incidents, policies, and trends concerning trafficking in migrants, this bulletin discusses the prevention of the trafficking of human beings through the use of information campaigns. Describing information campaigns as a way to enable potential migrants to make well-informed decisions regarding migration, the bulletin states that the IOM has implemented information campaigns since the early 1990’s. Discussing recent incidents concerning trafficking in migrants, this bulletin describes the capture and United States’ sentencing of the leader of an extensive migrant smuggling ring, the closing of an illegal immigrant refugee center in Holland, and the uncovering of a criminal group charged with smuggling 12 Estonia children into the United States. Highlighting trafficking trends, this bulletin presents a discussion of a recent South-Asian convention designed to combat trafficking in women and children, an article on Ethiopian women trafficked to Arab countries, and a discussion of increasing numbers of Nigerian girls and women trafficked to work as prostitutes in Europe. A section of this bulletin focused on policy issues describes the Turner Fund Trafficking Project designed to free 300,000 women and children in South-East Asia’s Mekong delta region; a letter addressed to the United Nations Secretary General from 14 female foreign ministers against trafficking; a brief report on the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Parliament Assembly’s July 1999 session in St. Petersburg, Russia; a news brief on Australia’s sanctions to prevent the upsurge of illegal immigration; and a report on the United States Congress’s recognition of the need for improved legislation to combat trafficking.