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Industrial Chemicals and Terrorism: Human Health Threat Analysis, Mitigation and Prevention

NCJ Number
Joseph L. Hughart; Mark M. Bashor
Date Published
9 pages
The report outlines procedures to be used to analyze, mitigate, and prevent public health hazards resulting from terrorism involving industrial chemicals.
Terrorists purchase or develop explosives and chemical agents similar to those used by military services. But several factors limit the use of the weapons, including controlled access to precursor chemicals, difficulty in producing the agents, and security around stockpiles. Chemicals may be less toxic than military agents, they can be dangerous and dispersed by smoke, gas or food. The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry developed a 10-step procedure to assist local public health officials in mitigating and preventing such hazards. The steps are: identify, assess, and prioritize threats; identify local sources of chemicals that may be used for weapons; evaluate potential exposure pathways; identify potential acute and chronic health impacts; estimate potential impacts on infrastructure and the environment; identify health risk communication needs; identify methods to mitigate potential hazards; identify specific steps to prevent the use of industrial chemicals as weapons; incorporate the threat assessment, mitigation, and prevention information into emergency response plans; and conduct training exercises to prepare and mitigate health threats. Figures, references


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