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Indigenous Ways of Knowing Tribal-Based Practices

NCJ Number
Date Published
May 2024
27 pages

In this issue of the Tribal Youth Resource Center Newsletter, articles and contributions cover ways of knowing and practices rooted in Tribal culture.


This issue of the Tribal Youth Resource Center Newsletter focuses on indigenous ways of knowing and tribal-based practices. The contents include the following: a letter and resources from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP); an article about the “Healing of the Canoe” (HOC) program that reacquaints Native youth with their heritage; a conversation about tribal-based practices with Caroline M. Cruz; an overview of templates and tools related to tribal-based practices; an article about cultural mental health and wellness with Ethleen Iron Cloud-Two Dogs; a brief on youth mental health first aid; an article about empowering youth through expression; photo collages on community building and celebrating community accomplishments; and a news item about TYRC Young Leader Sam Schimmel who is part of a team working to include Alaska Natives and American Indians in AMBER Alert System.