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Indiana Judicial Service Report Volume III, 2002

NCJ Number
Date Published
93 pages
This report presents financial data on the expenditures and revenues of Indiana’s courts.
Following a brief introduction, the first section presents fiscal tables of all court expenditures, including salaries and wages, other personal services, and a summation of expenses. Expenditures decreased 0.52 percent from 2001. During fiscal year 2001/2002, the State of Indiana spent a total of $73,235,532 on the operation of the judicial system. Each court case in Indiana was estimated to cost an average of $42.20, which represents a $10 decrease per case from 2001. The second section presents fiscal tables of court revenues for all courts except Marion County small claims court. Total revenue increased 8.3 percent from 2001. The third section presents the roster for the circuit, superior, county, municipal, and probate court personnel. Finally, the fourth section presents court reporter financial data, including total money collected, money collected for depositions, money collected for hearings, court filing fees and incomes, and court reporter annual forms. Volume I contains a description of Indiana’s judicial system and data on statewide totals and trend analysis. Volume II presents tables reflecting caseload information for every court in Indiana. No narrative summary is presented in Volume III. Tables

Corporate Author
Indiana Supreme Court

30 S. Meridian St., Suite 500, Indianapolis, IN 46204, United States

Sale Source
Indiana Supreme Court

30 S. Meridian St., Suite 500, Indianapolis, IN 46204, United States

Publication Format
Publication Type
Report (Annual/Periodic)
United States of America
See NCJ-202290 for Volume I and NCJ-202291 for Volume II