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Indiana Judicial Service Report 2003 -- Volume II

NCJ Number
Date Published
745 pages
This report presents 2003 caseload information for every court in Indiana.
Data are presented in table format with no narrative descriptions. Following the introduction, a listing is presented of all judicial officers and trial judges for every court in Indiana and descriptions are offered of criminal and civil case types. The first section of data contains information on caseloads for every court in Indiana, including data on the number and type of cases pending at the beginning and end of 2003, new cases filed, cases transferred and venued, and the number and type of cases disposed by each court. The second section of data contains information about the method of case disposition in all courts in Indiana, including data concerning jury trials, bench trials, cases dismissed, and cases venued and transferred out. The third section of data offers information about other judicial activities in Indiana, such as pro se litigation, death penalty cases, life without parole cases, cases held under advisement, and pauper counsel appointments. This is volume II in a three volume series. Volume I offers an executive summary and a description of the Indiana judicial system, as well as data on the appellate level courts, while volume III contains data on revenues and expenditures for Indiana’s courts. Also contained with this report is a smaller flyer detailing some of the programs of the Indiana courts, including information about the Indiana Supreme Court Commission on Race and Gender Fairness, the Family Courts Project, and the Domestic Relations Alternative Dispute Resolution Programs. Figures, tables.