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Indian Country Address Book, 1997-98

NCJ Number
John Crow; Martha Crow; Jack Sharp
Date Published
356 pages
This book provides address information and brief descriptions of American Indian organizations and individuals involved in 64 different areas.
The book contains addresses and brief descriptions of the activities of American Indian organizations and individuals involved with the following: (1) Agriculture & Animals; (2) Artists, Art Institutions, Craftpersons; (3) Authors, Books, Publishing; (4) Bureau of Indian Affairs (Main Offices); (5-6) Businesses, Business Groups & Associations; (7) Clothing, Blankets, Cloth; (8) Commodity Food Centers; (9) Computers, Software; (10) Craft Supplies; (11) Crisis Intervention; (12) Culture, History, Language, Museums; (13) Directories; (14) Economic & Community Development; (15-17) Education, College Indian Studies, Student Organizations; (18) Elders; (19) Employment & Training; (20) Energy & Utilities; (21) Entertainment, Music, Dance; (22) Environment, Ecology, Natural Resources; (23) Events; (24) Families; (25) Fire Departments; (26) Food; (27) Foundations, Funds, Philanthropy; (28) Galleries & Craft Sales; (29) Gaming; (30) Government Agency; (31) Groups, Clubs, Associations; (32) Head Start Programs; (33-37) Clinics & Hospitals, Dental/Mental Health, Healthy Start Programs; (38) Housing, Shelter, Tipis; (39) Indian Centers; (40) Indian Child Welfare; (41) Law, Criminal Justice; (42) Law Enforcement; (43) Leadership; (44) Legal Services; (45) Libraries; (46) Men & Women; (47-48) Nations -- Federally Recognized and Not Recognized; (49) Native Colleges & Universities; (50) Periodicals; (51) Radio, Television, Film, Video; (52) Religion; (53) Schools; (54) Social Change, Social Justice; (55) Social Services; (56) Speakers, Storytellers, Presenters; (57) Sports, Recreation, Parks; (58) State Indian Commissions; (59) Substance Abuse; (60) Transportation; (61) Travel, Sightseeing, Tourism; (62) Veterans; (63) Web & Home Pages; and (64) Youth.


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