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India: Blueprint for Community Policing

NCJ Number
CJ Europe Volume: 5 Issue: 6 Dated: (November-December 1995) Pages: 11-13
P V Philip
Date Published
3 pages
This article describes the program he initiated in the Ramnad district of Tamil Nadu in India and offers advice for police chiefs in other areas for establishing such programs; the movement is called the Friends of Police (FOP).
The goal of this movement is to promote the hitherto untapped public sentiments of good will toward the police. The movement provides an opportunity for the average citizen to contribute to crime prevention. The FOP has been well received not only among the FOP but also by the public and voluntary associations. Within a few months of its inception, nearly 1,000 persons volunteered to become FOP members in the Ramnad district. FOP members receive identity cards or arm bands. Involvement in a criminal case results in automatic dismissal. To initiate an FOP movement, a police chief should issue an invitation through both print and electronic media. Prospective members should complete an application form, which the police agency should review to ensure that inappropriate persons do not become members. FOP groups should meet at least monthly. All ranks in the police should interact with the FOP. Application form