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Indexed Directory of John Howard Society Programmes Across Canada

NCJ Number
Date Published
100 pages
This directory lists 165 Canadian programs operated by the John Howard Society, an organization of citizens who accept responsibility for understanding and dealing with problems of crime and the criminal justice system.
The society's programs offer reintegration assistance for ex-offenders in forms such as employment, counseling, family aid, and court and parole services. The society also promotes law and justice administration improvements through police training and liaison programs, professional publications, research, and fundraising. The third major area of the society's activities is in furthering citizen crime awareness and criminal justice involvement. The index first provides a list of programs by Province, branch, or district in east to west direction. A short description of the program is included. The second index categorizes the programs under three major sections: public domain, criminal justice system, and institutional clients. Within each of these sections, programs are categorized under different subsections, according to the clientele served and the service provided. This classification allows identification of all services from a national perspective and also permits pinpointing of available programs for referral and consultation or program planning and development. The directory also provides a current list of John Howard Society district offices and branches across Canada, complete with addresses and telephone numbers. The bulk of the material is in tabular form.